Welcome to our newest Chamber member, Safari Style & Tan, located at 1667 Simpson Hwy 49 Suite 6, 601-849-1901. Safari Style and Tan is owned by Glen & Anita Adcox and is a full service salon. A ribbon cutting is planned for May 15 at 10:00.
Pictured are owner Anita Adcox, Jennifer Broadway, Teresa Blakeney, Lacie Jones McKenny, and Natasha White Garner.
Pictured are: Katelyn Berch, Magee’s 2012 Miss Hospitality and Mary Frances Stephens, Magee’s 2011 Miss Hospitality
MAGEE TO BE REPRESENTED IN MISSISSIPPI MISS HOSPITALITY PAGEANT Katelyn Berch will represent Magee in the 63rd Mississippi Miss Hospitality Pageant, July 27 and 28 at the Historic Saenger Theater in Downtown Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Katelyn is the 19 year old daughter of Dennis and Allyson Berch. She is a 2011 graduate of Simpson County Academy where she was selected Friendliest, Class Favorite, Homecoming Maid, Senior Football Maid, Homecoming Queen, Prom Queen, Miss SCA, Mississippi Scholar, Honor Graduate, Hall of Fame and a member of Simpson County Future Leaders. She is currently attending Copiah-Lincoln Community College where she is a Trailblazer recruiter, Freshman Homecoming Maid, and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. She plans to attend the University of Southern Mississippi and obtain a Masters Degree in Speech Pathology. She is one of more than 30 contestants from across the state that will compete for more thatn $100,000 in scholarships and prizes and for the title of Mississippi Miss Hospitality 2012. These contestants will experience a full week of special events, tours, interviews, and rehearsals, with two nights of competition beginning on Friday, July 27 at 8pm and the final competition on Saturday, July 28 at 8pm at the Saenger Theater. If Katelyn is crowned Mississippi's Miss Hospitality 2012, she will travel the state and country promoting Mississippi’s tourism, industry, and economic development. She will also serve as Mississippi’s goodwill ambassador for one year, sharing the spirit of the Hospitality State with everyone she meets. The community is invited and encouraged to attend the pageant in support Magee’s Miss Hospitality, Katelyn Berch. For more information, please call 1.800.638.6877, 601.268.3220, email [email protected] or visit www.misshospitality.com. So many people to thank for Tea in the Gardens. You already know that we never could have had this event without Gloria Lucas. Thanks again, Gloria. Also, I'd like to thank Ruth Ellington, Corbin Ellington, Lee Maddox, Susan Hall, Diane
McPhail, the girls from Peoples Bank, Walmart, Nada Tullos, our garden demonstration lady, Joan Alliston, Mrs. Mississippi - Brittany Bishop and Jessica Brewer, Distinguished Young Woman of Simpson County. Zach Booth was our Easter Bunny. Thanks Zach! Great Job! I hope I haven't missed anyone! Thank you all! The City of Magee will again be partnering with the Mississippi Department of Transportation and Keep Mississippi Beautiful in the
annual Great American Clean up during the week of April 23 through April 28. Residents are encouraged to survey around their homes to determine if old building materials, furniture, old tires or old appliances can be discarded. Overgrown hedge bushes, weeds, limbs, leaves and other overgrown vegetation will be picked up by city crews Monday through Wednesday of the Clean Up Week and the debris items will be collected on Thursday and Friday. All items that are picked up by city personnel must be placed by the street on city right of way. Church groups, clubs, school organizations and individuals are invited to join the fight against litter by participating in litter collection efforts in your neighborhood, around parks, schools or your local church.Garbage bags will be furnished by the City of Magee for individuals or groups picking up litter. Please contact Jimmy Clyde at 601-849-3344 for further information about the garbage bags. Businesses are also encouraged to do something around their property to enhance the 2012 Clean Up Campaign. The Great American Clean Up is one of many programs that encourages people to care about their communities through volunteer participation and by working together to insure that we have a clean, safe and healthy community. Southern Sass Weddings is the brain child of Lisa Hankins, and she will soon be available to help you with all your wedding planning and details. More information will be coming shortly. Welcome Lisa!
This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar. ![]() Welcome to new member Oasis Medi-Spa Owner, Darrell Walker of Oasis Medi-Spa came to Tea in the Gardens and gave free shoulder/back massages to the guests. Let me tell you I had one, and it was wonderful. Oasis Medi-Spa will be opening on Monday, April 16 just around the corner from the Chamber, across the street from Bailey Cable and Magee Courier. A ribbon cutting is planned for the same day at 11:00. Everyone is invited. ![]() Welcome to new Chamber member, Mona Williamson. Mona displayed her beautiful jewelry at Tea in the Gardens. Great stuff. I came away with a lovely silver buckle bracelet with lots of bling. When I got home I had to fight to keep it. Not only my daughter, but my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter tried to snag it. They loved it as much as I do. If you'd like to see Mona's jewelry, call 601-382-1686. This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.