Christmas Parade
The theme for the Christmas parade this year is "The Sights and Sounds of Christmas". We need entries for the parade. Applications are available at the Chamber office, Magee Library, and Hughes Florist. They can also be faxed to you if you wish. Please think about having a float in the parade. We need lots of floats to have a good parade Please be sure to put your name on your float or car in letters big enough, and dark enough for the announcer to see so he can announce who you are. The city of Magee will have a Christmas tree in the Ural Everett Park and there will the lighting of the tree before the parade. A photographer will be present at 4:00 PM to make pictures of your child with Santa. The cost of the pictures will be $5.00 for one picture 4X6, or three for $10.00. The pictures will be available as soon as they are taken. Hot choclate , spiced cider, and coffee will be served to those attending. Make plans to come out and enjoy the parade.
The Magee Christmas Parade will be held on Thursday, December 3, 2009. The theme for this year is "Home for the Holidays". We need your entries, especially floats. Entry forms can be picked up at the Chamber office or call (601-849-2517) if you need one faxed to you. There is no entry fee. The Grand Marshal will be Katina Rankin of WLBT television station. Katina is originally from Magee. Let's make this a great parade.