Downtown at Dusk Movie Night sponsored by PriorityOne Bank was a great night. Folks gathered in Ural Everett Park to enjoy hotdogs and popcorn as they watched a movie classic, "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." But, there is more to the story. Ural Everett Park is the site of the downtown theatre that burned in 1972. The movie that was playing at that time was "Willie Wonka." Ural Everett Park is named after the theatre owner. Thanks PriorityOne for a fun family night filled with memories.
Ural Everett Park in downtown Magee was the site of wonderful event sponsored by Pat and Nancy Brown, owners of the Magee Courier and Simpson County News. Citizens were invited to enjoy a time of fellowship, food and great music provided by the talented students of Magee High School Band under the direction of Suzy Phillips. Gloria Lucas catered the event, and of course the food was wonderful.
Downtown at Dusk is the brain child of Pat and Nancy, and an event the Magee Chamber hopes to keep alive and well throughout the year. It may come in the form of a cookout or a movie night or even a dinner dance. Who knows, but watch for more Downtown at Dusk events. Don't miss the fun! Thank you Pat and Nancy! The evening was fantastic!